United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.


Church Officers

Church Officers

Nominating Committee – This team, comprised of church members and officers, places names before the congregation for election to the offices of ruling elder and deacon. They may also be asked to bring other nominations to particular offices as needed. The Nominating Committee is comprised of 2 currently serving Elders, 2 currently serving Deacons, 1 member of Men’s Ministry, 1 member of Women of Unity, 2 representatives from the congregation at large, and 1 youth representative. If you sign up for this committee, please know your name will be considered by the Session when the Nominating Committee is formed.

Deacon – These officers carry out ministries of compassion within the congregation, as well as other duties assigned by the session. Among the duties currently performed by the deacons are budget management, ushering, upkeep of church property, and contact with church visitors. Deacons serve a three-year term upon the election of the congregation. Deacons also serve on one of the many committees in the church.

Ruling Elder – Along with the ministers, ruling elders provide spiritual leadership for the church, and are responsible for its overall functioning. All active church members are eligible for election. Ruling elders serve a three-year term upon the election of the congregation. Ruling Elders are asked to serve on and sometimes moderate at least one ministry team and provide regular reports from its meetings.

Homebound Communion Visits – Ordained ruling elders are needed to assist the session and ministers in a ministry to our homebound members. Ruling elders and ministers go together to visit and share the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper with those unable to attend worship. These visits may take place on Sunday or weekday afternoons, and are scheduled three to four times per year.

Serving Communion in Worship – Ordained ruling elders are needed to assist the session with serving of communion during worship services.