United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

December 4, 2020

December 4, 2020

December 4, 2020
Isaiah 40:1-11—Zechariah & Elizabeth/The Prophets

“Comfort, O comfort my people, says your God.” Isaiah 40:1

As we wait for the coming of our Lord, Isaiah reminds us that God loves us and wants to comfort us. Comfort also means soothe. This part of Isaiah was written during the Israelites’ exile in Babylon. While God’s people were away from their native land, God remembered them and wanted them to be soothed.

Many of you know I accepted a new job at Selwyn Avenue Presbyterian Church in Charlotte. While that is not too far away, it is further away than Unity’s 4 miles. Although I am loving my new role, I do miss my friends at Unity and the Unity staff. I miss the familiar. I feel like I may be in exile for now. This is not my home church.

Waiting on the Lord is serving the Lord in whatever role he has chosen for us, in spite of what we want or think. It is faithfully discharging the duties of one who is called by Christ to serve in a different place for a time. It is being willing to let Christ teach us lessons of humility. And to follow God where he leads us.

I can imagine how God’s people felt being away from the land they knew. As we wait on the Lord, we are reminded Christ is a good Shepherd and showing love to his people who are tired, sick, weak, and sorrowful. I am grateful as I remember this during my time at Selwyn. Although missing the folks at Unity, the Lord is providing me with new opportunities and the Lord is with me and with you as we wait for the Lord this Advent season.

I am reminded every day that we have many things for which to be grateful. We have a new grandson born this year. Our son is getting married at Unity. We are blessed, and we hope you will be too.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, please send your loving son into our lives this Advent season and remind us that you are here and near to us. In Christ’s name. Amen.

Nancy Nutter