November 29, 2020
Luke 1:5-17—Zechariah & Elizabeth/The Prophets
“But they did not have children. Elizabeth could not have any, and both Zechariah and Elizabeth were already old.” Luke 1:7, Contemporary English Version
As we begin our Advent journey this year, our theme is “Finding Our Place at the Manger.” The ongoing pandemic means that we will all be celebrating Christmas in ways we never have before. I encourage you to consider what you will miss most and to allow yourself some time for grief. However, also, think about how you might celebrate in new ways that continue to tell the story of Christ’s birth not just two thousand years ago, but in your heart and life today. How will you find your place at the manger this year?
Throughout these devotions we will draw near to the manger with familiar characters from the nativity story as well as meet some unexpected guests – like Zechariah and Elizabeth. They rarely make it in the Christmas pageant, and yet, perhaps more than any others, they know what it means to wait year after year for a child. For Elizabeth and Zechariah did not have children and both were already old.
The good news of Christmas is not just for wonder-eyed children. It is for those who are old, those who have waited far too long, those who question if the gift will ever come. Can you find your place at the manger with Zechariah and Elizabeth, especially this year?
Prayer: Dear Lord, as we wait, assure us of your promised coming. Meet us in our longing, especially when despair threatens, until we might gather at the manger with you. Amen.
Matt Rich